
[su_quote cite=”Thomas Paine” class=”wwd-post”]”When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.”[/su_quote]
Dear Member,

Yesterday we shared the first half of my speech to the Liberty Mastermind Symposium that I gave last weekend. The theme of the conference was your liberty and the countdown to the collapse. Please click here to read part 1.

You Choose Your Destiny Part 2

With all this doom and gloom, a lot of people have decided to put their lives on hold. They have become full time dooms day preppers, but like I said yesterday, inevitability doesn’t equal imminent no matter how strong your argument is. Even Ron Paul and Peter Schiff have been caught in a multi-decade dollar crisis warning, a warning that to date has still not happened, even though most of you reading this agree with them, as do I.

Exercise your Own Liberty 

The word ‘liberty’ is the quality individuals have to control their own actions. The power to act as one pleases.  I think that for the most part, we all can still act out our own liberty, which is exactly what I encourage people to do.  One of my favorite life exercises I recommend to people is to write down the 3 things you want to be remembered for at your own funeral. It is these 3 things that will help you find your own purpose and passion in life.

It’s important to prepare financially for the future, but it is even more important to live!

Wealth Diversification has profiled 7 major trends that we believe will be very profitable to anyone who positions themselves correctly.
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  • Extra Income Ideas

    Destruction of the middle class 2000-2023

  • Precious Metals

    Precious metals will have a new role after a fiat currency crisis, likely to happen before 2020

  • Uranium energy

    The lights go out or uranium rises dramatically between now and 2017

  • Baby Boomers

    80 million Americans and 400 million Chinese, any business servicing this group will remain profitable for the next two to three decades.

  • Digital Currency

    Technically we already have a digital currency world, but we see better alternatives rising up over the next few years.

  • Health is Wealth

    This can be practiced in our own lives, but the awareness of our health and the foods we eat is a growing trend worldwide.

  • E-Cigarettes

    Creative destruction, these products will ultimately crush big tobacco, but it will take 50 years. FMT Smart Money Members are already ahead of the curve investing in a 5% dividend tobacco stock that controls over 50% of the e-cig market.


Protect Your Liberty with Financial Prudence

Now is not the time to speculate, for most investments, especially publicly traded ones; if you aren’t certain your grandchildren will do business with them, then don’t own them. Owning gold for insurance is a must, however don’t confuse ownership of gold with investment returns. Gold vs. stocks, gold vs. real estate, gold vs. private business, there is no comparison, gold loses big!

Now gold vs. the dollar, gold beats it all day long. But look at shares of Berkshire, around $40 in 1970 vs. gold at $35oz, today gold is $1,330oz and Berkshire is $171,000!  Gold is the ultimate money, it is financial insurance, but not investment. If you want to invest in gold, then you need to look at gold mining shares. One of the best acts you can take to experience liberty in your life is to be debt free. Go to bed every night knowing you don’t owe anyone, you are obligation free!

Lastly, invest in yourself, the good high paying jobs with pensions are in the past. You choose your destiny, you are responsible for everything in your life.  Legendary investor Jim Rogers put it best when talking about his own life he said, “I knew at a young age I was going to have to buy my own freedom.”

Probably not something anyone wants to hear, but it is true, if you can create a lot of financial wealth, it will ultimately lead to a life where you choose to do whatever you want on a daily basis. For me, that’s hanging out with my kids, traveling with my family, and writing about wealth building, a topic I have been passionate about since I was a child.

Daniel Ameduri