Precious Metals, Inflation, the National Debt, and Biden:
BASEL III Has Banks Soiling Themselves!
Between the government's extreme monetary policy, skewed prices among multiple market sectors, and the confluence of national budgetary concerns, there's no shortage of flashpoint events impacting the commodity market today, particularly precious metals.
One particular event is set to happen within the next month that should represent a watershed event that will favor the holders of hard assets while unnerving the manipulators of commodity futures contracts.
It relates to Basel III, a voluntary regulatory framework to stress-test central banks worldwide that requires banks to hold a percentage of assets back to deleverage their lending.
On June 28, a new regulation will be set in place that disvalues unallocated (such as paper) gold contracts held against lending. At the same time, physical gold changes its spot from a Tier 3 asset to a Tier 1 asset.
In effect, gold will count as a 100% reserve asset. Banking manipulation could be a thing of the past!
Precious Metals, Inflation, the National Debt, and Biden:
BASEL III Has Banks Soiling Themselves!

Between the government's extreme monetary policy, skewed prices among multiple market sectors, and the confluence of national budgetary concerns, there's no shortage of flashpoint events impacting the commodity market today, particularly precious metals.
One particular event is set to happen within the next month that should represent a watershed event that will favor the holders of hard assets while unnerving the manipulators of commodity futures contracts.
It relates to Basel III, a voluntary regulatory framework to stress-test central banks worldwide that requires banks to hold a percentage of assets back to deleverage their lending.
On June 28, a new regulation will be set in place that disvalues unallocated (such as paper) gold contracts held against lending. At the same time, physical gold changes its spot from a Tier 3 asset to a Tier 1 asset.
In effect, gold will count as a 100% reserve asset. Banking manipulation could be a thing of the past!