Right now, the focus of FutureMoneyTrends.com is to make sure all readers are as UPDATED as possible on the Covid-19 pandemic.
Last week marked the end of the monetary experiment President Nixon began in his INFINITE STUPIDITY in 1971, the way I see it. Almost 50 years after Nixon ended the gold standard, the coronavirus shows us exactly why this half-a-century system of fiat credit DOESN’T BELONG in our modern world.
Our global financial structure is BUILT ON CREDIT supplied by central banks and commercial/retail banks around the world.
When credit FREEZES like it does when there are CONFIDENCE CRISES SUCH AS THE COVID-19 pandemic, lack of trust can MORPH INTO such a disaster that all loans dry up and we go from 300MPH to 0MPH in days, not years. The financial system can either find the new price and the adjusted terms for borrowing (instantly) or the authorities MUST STEP IN to save it by making credit EVERYONE’S problem whether you want to have anything to do with it OR NOT.
The FED makes someone else’s problem yours, in point of fact.
On previous occasions (1987, 2000, 2008, 2011), these INTERVENTIONS weren’t game-changers since their size and scope didn’t CROSS THE RUBICON in the minds of the collective whole, but it seems that now it is.
We are OPENLY SEEING for the 1st time criticism towards Jerome Powell and the decisions of the Federal Reserve, and even ALLEGATIONS that some of the programs are ILLEGAL under the Federal Reserve Act.

Courtesy: Zerohedge.com
This pandemic has exposed MANY FAULTY relationships in the financial, economic, industrial, and commercial sectors. Without a shadow of a doubt, I can say that this problem is WELL ABOVE the paygrade of Jerome Powell. He is a banker at the end of the day and we’re dealing with a geopolitical debt restructuring.
I will pour thousands of words on this topic in the next few weeks but the PRIMARY MESSAGE is that while most thought that 2008 would HASTEN a reset and a GLOBAL REFORM of monetary theories and procedures, history will say that 2020 was the BIRTHPLACE of our new global currency model.
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We don’t know what it will look like, but since the dollar’s role WITHIN IT must be smaller than its CURRENT IMPORTANCE, by definition, the entire world can safely bet AGAINST IT. That’s a major paradigm shift. In other words, if right now it is the reserve currency – a new system will mean it will have a lesser role.
Up until one month ago, the dollar was a safe-haven currency alongside the Swiss franc, but the Federal Reserve’s ENTRANCE into the junk bond markets, essentially eliminating the risk of lending to small-cap businesses, is an ALL-IN MOVE.
It’s such a WILD SWITCH from what the Federal Reserve’s normal mandate is that it opens the door to QUESTIONING its performance, and foreign governments are already USING OIL as a bargaining chip to renegotiate the petrodollar system!
If you take nothing else from this letter, let it be this: the reset has BEGUN.

Courtesy: Zerohedge.com
During this TUMULTUOUS bear market and subsequent bull market, my portfolio has ACTUALLY gained thanks to my allocation in gold.
Not owning gold is truly STUPID in our world, and many people will realize this.
No one can predict the future but when investing, no one has to IN ORDER TO SUCCEED.
Every second, an investor ought to scan the universe of assets and MAKE DECISIONS relative to the known facts, not the unknown future.
There’s no way to know what the future holds, as COVID-19 JUST PROVED. Some assumptions are easier to conclude, such as that people will not stop using computers due to this virus, for example. Therefore, investing is the art of making CALCULATED forecasts, along with JUDGING THE PRESENT correctly.
If the markets don’t correct back down to reflect the state of the real economy, money will flow into ALTERNATIVES, such as gold. If the market does correct, I want to provide you with a SHOPPING LIST of the stocks that I’ll be CONSIDERING adding to my portfolio or INCREASING my position in.
On Tuesday, I will publish Part 1 of that list in the letter.
Best Regards,
James Davis
Governments Have Amassed ungodly Debt Piles and Have Promised Retirees Unreasonable Amounts of Entitlements, Not In Line with Income Tax Collections. The House of Cards Is Set To Be Worse than 2008! Rising Interest Rates Can Topple The Fiat Monetary Structure, Leaving Investors with Less Than Half of Their Equity Intact!
Protect Yourself Now, By Building A Fully-Hedged Financial Fortress!
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