
Just Get Scre**d Already

Man, do I hate this anointed false Massiah. He reminds me of Obama and all these other Jack Dorsey’s of the world, who believe they somehow have a clue about the moral high ground.

I despise them; I despise George Soros and I can’t wait for people to realize how much he is an agent of the Chinese plan to take down America, but what kind of world do we live in, when you can’t trust a non-binary, pink-haired broke communist student, who thinks Osama Bin-Laden is Mother Teresa reincarnated, because enough Russian bots on Tik Tok told her as much?

The biggest power grab of them all, the granddaddy of all Al Gore pseudo-science crackpot mumbo-jumbo, is climate change.

I just finished going over the violent climate changes that our beautiful planet has endured, from ice ages, to the entire ocean dying twice, to volcanic ash, to acidic rain and yet, here we are!

I plead with you – don’t let these false censorship overlords turn the western world into China; defend your freedom and liberty, by rejecting and refusing to be part of this nonsense and educate others as well.

This is very much a government takeover, through the corporate world, by what used to be called fascism. Little Billy Gates and his minions are hoping you’ll fall for it just because an Instagram Hollywood starlet is telling you to.

There is absolutely a war going on to make you think that this planet, which has seen hundreds of millions of years of volcanic eruptions, ice ages, a super-continent named Pangaea, and hundreds of millions of years of dinosaurs, and I’m supposed to believe that burning fossil fuels is making life on this planet unlivable?

If you want to surrender your freedom to an unelected global body that wants to track your every purchase and move and let them grade your life with a score, like the brainwashed Chinese have allowed their tyrannical CCP dictatorship to do, go LIVE there.

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    In the West, we cherish the brain power of the individual, not the anointed central planner, who says that battling climate change is for your own good – “don’t you want to help save the birds?”

    Just like with Stalin, Mao and all these other mass-murderers, they’ll tell you it’s for your own good to bring about equality, but first, hundreds of millions must die, so we can all be equally destitute and beholden to the government.

    No thanks!

    My New Year’s wish for you is that you stop letting the collective communist subversive agenda in the American left and woke virus take another inch forward.

    Fight for your incredible Bill of Rights and Constitution. Teach it to your family, friends and loved ones.

    Bring back the pride of being an American, and celebrate the country that has given this world more than all of the other countries, combined, SQUARED!

    There is no order and peace without a great U.S. military and without the partnerships that the U.S. builds around the world, but there will always be haters (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Chile and other left-leaning, communistic, hateful and violent countries), which not only bash America, but infiltrate it through the backdoor, with cute slogans that are straight out of the Karl Marx playbook.

    Be proud to be in the land that stands for freedom and help preserve it… we’re all counting on you!

    Best Regards,

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