Bitcoin Vs. Gold

Bitcoin Vs. Gold

Dear Reader, Could Bitcoin be the next gold? I don’t think so, nor is it even trying… The only common denominator for gold and Bitcoin is that they share the same enemy. And as the old saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Bitcoin is a decentralized...
The Real Reason Gold Shares Are Down Big

The Real Reason Gold Shares Are Down Big

Junior Gold ETF is Creating a “Blood in the Streets” Moment A Chain Reaction is Creating the Last Great Gold Stock Buying Opportunity of the Decade! Dear Reader,I want you to take a close, hard look at this chart. The GDXJ is the ETF that has become one of...
Make Money No Matter What

Make Money No Matter What

Hedging Your Portfolio Dear Reader, Here are 3 important hedges that can help you sleep at night, protect your investments, and potentially help make you a fortune no matter what happens! Hedge #1 When you buy an individual stock or group of stocks, especially ones as...
The Safest Trade in the Markets Today

The Safest Trade in the Markets Today

What’s more likely… the lights going out or the price of a commodity rising in order to keep the power on? Dear Reader, I think one of the safest bets we can make over the next 1 to 3 years is a rising uranium price.  It comes down to the most basic of economics, and...