FutureMoneyTrends.com is more bullish on precious metals than ever before and wants all our members to prepare for an exciting fall and winter. Technically gold is consolidating and silver is ready to roar through the $50 mark. Congress is back in session next week, Europe’s banks are on the verge of blowing up, and QE3 is likely to start in the next few months; all of these factors could push the metals forward to new highs.
Now FutureMoneyTrends.com will be presenting several companies for all of you to review as potential investment ideas and opportunities. In less than 10 days we will be presenting what could be the biggest breakout play that we have ever presented to our members, a junior gold mining exploration play that is surrounded by majors and has a geologist who is responsible for MAJOR discoveries.
For those of you who haven’t reviewed our educational articles or videos regarding the precious metals, here are the links:
Silver This Decade #1 Silver Video on the Internet with over 630,000 views
Gold This Decade #1 Gold Video on the internet with over 90,000 views
For those critics that think gold is a bubble, a must read for all is an article we wrote a year ago titled ‘Gold 1980 vs. Today.’
And for one of our biggest predictions in action, read our July 14th article titled, “The FED has been Checkmated.”