
This weekend is going to be interviewing the CEO of an up and coming gold producer that is currently trading for around 10 cents! This company has:

* Commissioned plants on site
* Lucrative properties
* Plant and equipment alone almost equals their market cap
* Positioned perfectly for a take over! (Our prediction is less than 2 years)
* Production literally just started weeks ago!

We are looking forward to an exciting week, can’t think of a better way to kick off the new year then with a FREE gold pick that meets our standards of an undiscovered company in the path of a smart money trend.

We will have the interview and all of the details of this company early next week.

Gold Currency Trend Update

Right now the state of Virginia is proposing legislation about a currency alternative in case the federal reserve system breaks down. The state of Utah is discussing legislation of a gold backed currency system. Even the IMF President recently stated that the world should at least discuss having a reserve currency with ties to gold. The fiat experiment isn’t going well, soon the world will flood into gold. From 1920 to 1980, an average of 20% of global financial assets were in gold related investments; while today that number is less than 1%. If we were to see that number move closer to the modern day historical average of 20%, in order to meet that type of demand, gold would have to increase to a price of 35,000 per ounce. Let’s say it only went to 10%, that still puts gold at 17,500 per ounce.

If you feel like you missed out on the gold rush, don’t worry because we have barely scratched the surface of the gold boom.

Physical Silver Trend Update

Wow, the U.S. mint is reporting that the 2011 silver eagles that were just launched on January 3, 2011, are already on pace to beat last years January record of 3.5 million silver eagle sales. Currently for January 2011, they have sold 3.4 million which includes 469,500 eagles issued in 2010. The physical silver market is tight, we know that the charts are pointing towards a correction in the price of silver, but in our opinion, something is about to give. Don’t trust the paper market, focus on the physical demand.