I had the pleasure of attending the Casey Research Summit in Tucson, AZ this past weekend and over the next couple of posts I’ll take some time to review the main themes over the course of the 2 days. If you have never attended the Casey Summit in the past, or any research conference for that matter, I highly recommend doing so. It’s a great way to step out of your comfort zone, network, and have some fun at the same time.
Much of day one was centered around the topic of a federal government out of control and taking the country, and the world, into the next Great Depression. Unchecked federal spending and low interest rate policies have driven great distortions in the marketplace. With growth slowing down and debt levels becoming increasingly unsustainable, the crash is upon us, multiple experts explained, and it’s time to batten down the hatches.
With that being said, I thought Rich Checkan from Asset Strategies International had the most thought provoking discussion centered on precious metals. Delivery times for physical bullion have exponentially increased of late, to the extent that dealers can no longer guarantee a “deliver by”, In addition, premiums for precious metals such as silver have exploded upwards of 35% suggesting the prospect of obtaining metals at spot price is more of a myth than fact.
I capped off the day at a dinner featuring Amir Adnani presenting about his two companies: Uranium Energy Corp and Brazil Resources. For any resource investor out there, Amir is a man to watch as he and his expert team know what they are doing and have strategically positioned themselves to benefit from a beaten down resource market.