
Dear Member,

For the younger part of my life – from ages 13 to 26 – I was very lucky to have a financial mentor. In addition to reading every personal finance book, investment workshop and real estate seminar I could attend, I had my own personal coach who helped teach me some core values. This mentor taught me about frugality, cash flow and business.

Having a mentor is great, but it truly does almost have to come naturally. You need a real friend; not someone you pay. I’ve always enjoyed my conversations with very successful investors and business owners (and great relationships have been formed) but those aren’t even where I’ve met some of my best mentors… some of the best ones I have never met at all!

Books have been very helpful in my life. Even though I have never met Robert Kiyosaki, I swear I feel like I know him because his first 3 books had such an impact on my life.

Robert Kiyosaki’s First 3 Books:
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I read all of these books while still in high school and I can honestly say that they changed the course of my life. I always knew something was wrong with the template we have all been given as to how we should live our lives. I despised conventional wisdom from a very early age and Kiyosaki’s books were my feelings put into an actual alternative plan on how to proceed as an adult.

Today with Youtube, podcasts and electronic newsletters, it is easier than ever to bond with a mentor you may never even meet.

In the past few weeks alone I’ve watched documentaries and plenty of Youtube interviews with Li Ka shing, Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Rick Rule and John C. Bogle.

None of these men know me – with the exception of Rick Rule – but all of them have provided value in my life. I love finding the common traits among the successful. It is something I’ve always been good at: discovering and conditioning my own mind to be wealthy by listening to the people I admire.

[su_quote]A quick side note on Trump, because I know he can be controversial. The reason I watch Trump is actually to see the bond he has with his children. I’m not really into borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars, however, I love that his children are close with him, work with him and tell great stories about how their father interacted with them while growing up.[/su_quote]

Some of the best mentors in the world are available to you right now. Let me end this essay with a classic video that I have watched several times. I think it will add value to your life just as it has to mine.

Warren Buffet Talks to MBA Grads

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Best Regards,
Daniel Ameduri

Watch the Video Version of this Weekly Wealth Digest