Dear Reader,
If you want to learn to be a millionaire, learn from a millionaire. For most people, their financial education comes from people who are broke. These aren’t bad people. We are talking about loving, well-intentioned people, like parents, teachers, and friends. Thanks to the Internet, though, you can now have instant access to some of the best minds in the world.
I remember in 2012, I took a road trip from southern California to Seattle, Washington, and plugged in my ear were Warren Buffet and Rick Rule, just speech after speech and interview after interview, learning from the people I wanted to be like when it comes to the understanding of how to become an exceptional investor.
I think everyone reading this should spend at least 30 minutes a day reading the work of someone who is a success in whatever it is you enjoy or are trying to achieve for yourself. In addition to reading, listen to podcasts, watch YouTube videos, and audio books by those same types of people.

Take a good look at the 5 people you hang out with the most, because you’re the average. If you’ve got negative people, friends with a limited life mindset, cut them loose.

Surround yourself with positive people, and attach yourself to winners!

Learn from the people that share your values and goals. Take what you put into your head and the people you listen to very seriously, because you don’t want to find yourself settling for average.

Everyone reading this can and should chart their own course in life. Life is a lot more than just sitting in traffic and working for three or four decades…

In order to have your best life now, you have to make that choice, to go against the grain, to not fit in, and to not settle for average. Sadly, most people living are just going through the motions of living, don’t be that person.

This letter’s entire purpose is to helping you advance your own story, and I have no doubt that anyone here who chooses to pursue their own life’s purpose, will indeed make it happen!

Best Regards,

Daniel Ameduri
