Dear Reader,Becoming financially-free is not rocket science. Anyone can do this. I did it and I wasn’t born rich. My father worked 12-hour days as a middle-class engineer who dropped out of high school in the 10th grade. We lived on an average street in Southern California where my best friend’s dad was a police officer and nearly all the moms worked part-time or full-time jobs.
No one was financially-free, and not a single adult in my life discussed money. Nearly everything I learned about financial freedom was from Barnes and Noble and a single mentor that came into my life at the age of 13.
The Rules are Simple
1. Focus: This is the one word I can use to describe my success. Whether it’s focusing on your education, over-delivering for your clients (or job), building up your investments, or developing positive relationships, it takes a passionately driven type of focus.
Whenever I feel down or like I am in a rough spot, I clear out all of the negative thoughts in my head and I begin to focus on the core positive things or people in my life. The world is full of distractions. A lot of noise is trying to drown us and play with our emotions.
2. The Pareto principle: I am constantly cutting back and refocusing. The Pareto principle is the law of 80/20. Simply put, 80% of your results will come from 20% of the work. I’ve noticed this also occurs in business and personal relationships. 20% of the people in my life give me 80% or more of the pleasure. The rest I could do without.
Think about your own investments, or work habits. There is a very good chance that you’ll be able to become more efficient by focusing less on the 80% and more on the 20% that’s yielding you the majority of your results. When it comes to our speculative investments, I actually have it down to where we take 20% of the best people to partner with and then cut that number by 80% so that we are only partnering with the truly gifted.
3. Ignore everyone else: This is the most difficult, but it MUST be done if you want to be wealthy. From financed vehicles to the 3-decade mortgage, ignore the advice of conventional financial experts. Most importantly, ignore what your friends and neighbors are doing. You have to declutter your mind and be relentless in your path to financial independence.
For 10 years, my wife and I went without any gifts on special occasions, such as our anniversary, birthdays, and Christmas. Part of it was because that stuff just wasn’t important to us, but a lot of it had to do with the fact that if we truly felt something was needed, we would buy it. Otherwise, we preferred focusing on getting rich.
Owning another rental home or living a debt-free life was far more important. We were unstoppable when it came to the task at hand.
In 2015, after having achieved more than we could have ever imagined, I did surprise my wife with a Christmas gift for every year of our marriage.
That was fun, but the more rewarding part of our lives is being home with our children.
We like knowing that we’re debt-free and can vacation whenever and wherever we want because our younger selves were absolutely dedicated to true freedom. If you’re not there yet, you can do this, too. I have no doubt because there is nothing special about me or what my wife and I were able to accomplish in such a short amount of time.
It just took a commitment to doing it.
Have a great Sunday!
Best Regards,
Daniel Ameduri