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Dennis Miller, formerly of Casey Research, is a regular contributor for MarketWatch.com on the subject of retirement. His genuine care and passion for his readers is truly something special. The Huffington Post just did a nice article about Dennis, and how he literally started over at age 45, after having a friendly divorce where he gave his x-wife and mother of his children everything!
Today, Dennis is 74 years young and is a RetireMentor, with a unique perspective on retirement. Mitigating risk and transitioning your portfolio once you near or enter retirement is Dennis’ advice. He, of course, is one of the few experts who acknowledges and plans for retirees to protect themselves from currency risk, sovereign debt, and even something worse than the crash we saw in 2008.
You can track his exploits on Twitter @DMonthemoney or contact him at milleronthemoney@gmail.com