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GUEST SITE: http://whatreallyhappened.com
Michael Rivero was born and raised in New England farming country. Originally a child actor, Michael left film work after High School to follow a career in science, working for NASA on the Viking and Voyager projects, among others. Following the post-Apollo crash of the aerospace industry, Michael went back into film work arriving at the exact time Hollywood was beginning to employ more computers for visual effects; a classic case of being in the right place art the right time, with the right skills. Having paid for college as a professional stage magician, Michael brings an awareness of how an audience perceives what they see to his designs for visual effects. Michael lives in Hawaii with his wife Claire, a composer, where together they own a commercial production company specializing in music, Visual FX and supervision, commercial direction, industrial films, and computer animation. Michael Rivero launched whatreallyhappened.com, initially called Rancho Runamukka, in 1994 after the Vince Foster “murder.” Rivero hosts the Whatreallyhappened radio show on GCN, airing five days a week.